Monday, 31 May 2010

May I Start, May I Finish. Pochade painting of Sprainger Street, Liverpool.

The end of what could be called a fine summer month and the, 'May I start, May I Finish', project has yielded 16 small paintings from the 20 I did this month. This puts me well on course for at least 150 urban paintings come this time next year. I was really spurred on to start the project after receiving daily updates on my blog from Stephen Magsig's daily paintings, 'Postcards from Detroit', his Detroit stories.

In his own words Stephen notes, '
postcards from Detroit is a visual diary of Detroit in daily paintings. The inspiration came from Duane Keiser's innovative A Painting a Day blog, and Julian Merrow-Smith's Postcard from Provence'. All of these sites are well worth a visit. These people have been doing these paintings on a regular basis for a very long time now, so I suppose that first, you have to find a project that your going to enjoy and one that is also going to sustain your interest. I realise I am far from the first to do this, I guess it's just my turn.

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